TalkerTechy: About me
Why I started my blog.
It has come to be that I have decided to start my blog.
A very close friend suggested that I should spare some time to explore blogging as a hobby. I started my research and gradually found some blogs which inspired me. The range of what I discovered was wide, from diary entries of my favorite celebrities, creative writing, to news and reviews. I was clearly late to the blog(sic) party but nonetheless I am here now.
I dabbled with the idea for many days. I spoke with a few friends and family about it. Finally, I decided to give it a shot.
My attempt is to simplify technology for everyone.
Why Technology?
All my life I have been fascinated with technology.
It started in the early 90s, before cable T.V. became popular. It was the time of Doordarshan and our sunday mornings used to be my sister and me parked in front of the T.V. watching Mahabhaarat, not out of choice but simply because there was nothing else on. Breakfasts on our plate, and sitting on the floor in front of the T.V. and watching scene after scene of arrows people shooting arrows.
Now, I cannot quite remember how or why it happened but, I remember that for some reason one typical Sunday morning the reception was awful and my Dad figured there was a problem with the antenna. I must have been all of 9 years of age and I remembered an odd sight I once saw. It was an aluminium coat hanger with a wire and it was dangling out of one of our neighbours homes. It was a makeshift antenna (obviously I didn’t know it at that time), but the image stuck in my curious mind. I even remember thinking how a coat hanger can catch an image in the air and project it on the T.V. screen. I remember Dad explaining it to me.
Anyway, I suggested this to my father. He was astonished, not at the solution but the fact that it came from me. I was not in the habit of astonishing anyone.
He quickly set up up the hanger and the wire, and presto, our Sunday routine was back on track. It worked and I was mighty proud of myself. I was a genius.
So began my fascination for technology.